Lose belly fat

Hey guys !

Today i came with new topic "LOSE BELLY FAT ". It is very big question for women's . Some women's are very serious about these topic. So guys to loss belly fat it is very easy but when you do exercise daily for it . If you do exercise 100% you loss the belly fat. At least 30 min you have to do exercise daily.
So here some exercise for loss belly fat are :

1.Running and walking :
    Running and walking is the best fat burning exercise . When you do exercise your calories are burned and your body fat percentage is decreases slightly. It also decreases fat from other areas of body .

Power Walking vs Jogging: Which is Better for Weight Loss? | Rockay

2.Reverse crunch :
   The best solution for women's to loss belly fat is reverse crunch . It is very easy. First lie on the floor with arms at your sides. Then cross your feet and lift them off from the floor so your knees create 90 degree angle then next is that contract your abs muscles  and then left head and shoulder off the ground. At least daily do it for 10 times in morning.

How to do Reverse Crunch Straight Legs

3.Scissor kick:
   These exercise is very useful to lose belly fat. Do not do these exercise quickly or hold your breath while doing it. Lie on mat place your palms under your hips. Lift your leg,head and upper back off the floor. This is starting position. show the then you can understand how to do this exercise.

4.Leg lifts: 
This exercise is also lose your belly fat. while doing this exercise lie on your back with your palms face down your hands are peaking out, engage your core muscles and lifts your hips and legs up keeping them straight. It is very easy exercise you can do it easily.

5.Bicycle exercise: 
It is very useful exercise and easy exercise. These exercise you can do at home. First lie on your back with hands behind your head then raise your knees to your chest while lifting head and shoulder off the ground , bring the right elbow to your left knee and straighten the right leg then do it continue by switching side bring the left elbow to your right knee and straighten the left leg .
 These exercise are very easy so you can do these. I hope you like these .
                 Thank you ❤


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